Kashmir Morning Delights

Why do people not help accident victims in India?

It's heartbreaking to acknowledge, but many in India hesitate to help accident victims due to fear of legal hassles and time-consuming police procedures. The societal stigma attached to being a good Samaritan is also discouraging, as people worry about getting entangled in the victim's issues. Sadly, lack of basic first aid knowledge is another factor limiting immediate assistance. The bystander effect, a psychological phenomenon where individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when others are present, is also at play. To overcome this, it's crucial to spread awareness about Good Samaritan laws and educate people about basic lifesaving techniques.

Is the roadkill of wild animals a punishable offense in India?

As a blogger, I recently delved into the topic of whether the roadkill of wild animals is a punishable offense in India. To my surprise, I found out that it is indeed punishable under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The law aims to protect the rich biodiversity of India and penalizes those who cause harm to wild animals. Upon further research, I learned that the penalties can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense. It's heartening to see that India takes the protection of its wildlife seriously, and I urge everyone to be extra cautious while driving through areas inhabited by these precious creatures.